Drop By For Fun
Drop-In Pricing
Our pricing model provides individual pricing for the Fitness Centre, Pool, Arena and Walking Track.
All prices are subject to HST.
We use the following ages guidelines for our pricing:
Household- Up to two adults and their dependent children living at home
Adult- Individuals 18 years and older
Senior- Individuals 60 years and older
Student- Individuals 15 years and older with a valid Student ID
Youth- Individuals 3 years to 14 years in age
Toddlers- Individuals 0-2 years old
Mariners on Main Fitness Centre Prices
(Pricing in effect September 18th, 2023)
Household- $15.75
Adult- $9.50
Senior, Students, Youth- $6.50
10 Punch Pass - $85.00
Mariners on Main Pool Prices
Household- $12.75
Adult- $6.50
Senior, Students, Youth- $5.25
Toddler- Free
Mariners Centre Skating Prices
Household- $15.00
Adults, Seniors, Students, Youth- $5.00
Children aged four or younger are free of charge
Mariners Centre Walking Track Prices
$2.25 per person
Payment is accepted at the Box Office